The dilemmas of education policy public funding system in the context of the I and the European Union programming period

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Polands membership in the European Union determines the frames of our countrys education policy. On one hand, it should be conducive to the implementation of knowledge-based economy (investment in the future of next generations/support for innovations), on the other hand it should support policies aiming ay diminishing the scale of unemployment being closely related to the citizens spheres of poverty (investment to meet current needs/equalizing incomes). This article is focused on the realization of the process of lifelong learning using the EU funds as a component of state education policy. The aim of the paper is to present three main dilemmas of the system of education policy funding from the EU funds. These are:- varying concepts of the European funds management: focusing on the result versus administrative procedures, -discrepancies in the assessment of the validity of projects qualified for funding between the evaluators (assessors and experts of the Ministry of Regional Development) and the assessed (project applicants), - imbalance of supply and demand - the final beneficiaries interest and the proposed EU support forms

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How to Cite
Kowalska, I. (2009). The dilemmas of education policy public funding system in the context of the I and the European Union programming period. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (2(51), 83–93.

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