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Dariusz Strzębicki

Keywords : social networks, Facebook, posts, marketing communication, dairy cooperatives.
The purpose of the article was to determine the activity of food industry enterprises in the area of posting on Facebook pages. Five fanpages of Polish dairy cooperatives were analyzed. Fanpages differed from each other in terms of the frequency of posting, their thematic diversity and consumer engagement in the form of a number of "likes", comments and sharing. The main function of published posts was to advertise products and promote specific consumption patterns related to the products offered. In their posts, dairy co-operatives shared their expert knowledge with consumers in the field of meal preparation.

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How to Cite
Strzębicki, D. (2018). THE ROLE OF FACEBOOK POSTS IN MARKETING COMMUNICATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (19(68), 262–271.

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