The new public expenditure management

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Marian Podstawka

In this article, Author presented the issues related to the rationalization of public spending through management. One of the instruments in the effective management of public finances is an activity-based budget. Implementation of this kind of the budget in Poland started in 2007 and they rely on the development of its structure. In 2008 the government began training, then made an inventory of public tasks performed by the state. These tasks are divided into 22 functions in each of them distinguished Tasks and Subtasks and Measure. Set out their objectives and measures of these goals. The Polish experience shows that the introduction of activity-based budget is associated with cyclical improvement of methods and procedures for measuring performance of individual elements of its structure. The development of effective methodological principles and their systematic improvement is a long process, and this remark especially applies to measures of the objectives. It is important to the rationalization of public expenditures is also the shape of system of public finance sector. According to the author, some entities (such as State Forests) should be incorporated into its structure and lead manage its finances in accordance with the idea of propositional budget includes revenues and expenditures.

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How to Cite
Podstawka, M. (2011). The new public expenditure management. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (6(55), 88–96.

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