The changes of purposes and results’ measures in individual tasks within environment function

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Urszula Tetwejer

In the article the authors have attempted to change the presentation and evaluation of objectives and measures results in the individual tasks of the 12th functionality The environment. The analysis was conducted based on data contained in the budget acts - state spending breakdown for targets for 2009-2012. The first section presents the importance and place of the function of the environment in the activity-based budget. Then performed a detailed analysis of return objectives, targets and measures of environmental features over 4 consecutive years. Presented also change the units responsible for the realization of individual tasks and thus the trustee funds allocated to them in the budget targets.

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How to Cite
Parlińska, A., & Tetwejer, U. (2011). The changes of purposes and results’ measures in individual tasks within environment function. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (6(55), 67–79.

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