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Franciszek Kapusta

Keywords : sugar, material resources, sugar beet, processing
The study characterized: emergence and development of the sugar beet processing and the role of Polish regions in this process; processes changes of resource base and processing base. Sugar beet processing was born on Polish soil and has undergone changes; both the number of sugar factories and the area under sugar beet and organization of cooperation processing plants with producers of raw materials. The number of processing plants has changed, and trends have been variable. We are dealing with a surge in number of sugar mills; growth and decline in their numbers, and then at the end of the twentieth century begin the process of systematic - although with varying intensity over time – reduction in the number of plants and increase in their processing capacity. The same pattern was observed in resource base. The sugar market in the European Union is regulated, and production limited by production quotas. The allocated amount of sugar production in Poland (1405.6 t) creates less need for sugar beet, which generates the possibility to allocate them in larger quantities for the production of dried (for food and feed), and the production of bioethanol.

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How to Cite
Kapusta, F. (2015). STRUCTURAL CHANGES OF POLISH SUGAR INDUSTRY. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (13(62), 53–62.

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