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Edyta Rudawska
Marta Bloch

Keywords : NGO, intersectoral cooperation, marketing communication
Cross-sectoral cooperation is a complex process and a major challenge for NGOs, starting from its inception to implementing the agreement of the inter-organizational cooperation. It is often run in virtual environment since cooperating companies often remain in geographical distance. The terms of cross-sectoral cooperation of non-governmental organizations require the implementation of tools to improve the communication between the co-operators and between the co-operators and their environment. The purpose of this article is to assess the role of marketing communications in the cross-sectoral collaboration of NGO. The article is based on the literature review and primary research conducted among non-governmental organizations, public organizations and enterprises in the subregion Ostrołęka. The research was run with the use of the questionnaire in 2014. Non-governmental organizations with cross-sectoral collaboration have emphasized that marketing communication is a key barrier to the establishment and development of co-operation. Therefore the concept of marketing communication of NGO on the following stages of the cooperation process had been proposed.

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How to Cite
Rudawska, E., & Bloch, M. (2017). MARKETING COMMUNICATION IN THE PROCES OF CROSS-SECTORAL COOPERATION. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (17(66), 133–144.

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