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Ryszard Kata

Keywords : agricultural holdings, bank credit, economic fluctuations in agriculture, structural changes
The paper presents an analysis of the dynamics and structure of farmers' credit obligations towards banks in Poland in 1996-2018. The credit debt of farmers is presented against the background of the structural changes and economic fluctuations in agriculture. It was assumed that a favorable economic situation in agriculture stimulates the growth in farmers' indebtedness to banks. Similarly, it was assumed that the process of increasing concentration within the agrarian structure and the increase in the technical equipment of labor and technical equipment of land would be factors conducive to the growth in farmers' credit debt. The research did not give a definite answer to the research thesis. A positive correlation between farmers' credit debt and economic fluctuations in agriculture was revealed, as well as the process of substitution of labor and land inputs by capital expenditures. Regression analysis showed that investment stimulus in agriculture is the stimulus of credit debt, while increased concentration within the agrarian structure and the improvement of the land/work relationship leads to a reduction in debt increases.

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How to Cite
Kata, R. (2020). INDEBTEDNESS OF FARMERS IN POLAND IN LIGHT OF STRUCTURAL CHANGES AND ECONOMIC FLUCTUATIONS IN AGRICULTURE. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (23(72), 33–44.

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