The role of financial institutions in support of transformation of agriculture with a dispersed structure of agricultural farms

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Currently, modern agriculture is competitive and strength connected with the institutions, in which significant place have financial institutions, especially banks. The main condition of competitiveness increase and economic strength of agricultural farms is approach to external capital. It concern especially the small scale agriculture that can not finance which ones transformation. In this case was made an analysis on the base of questionnaire investigation according to meaning of financial institutions in supporting of transformation in agricultural farms. The investigation was made in south-east Poland. The role of financial institutions is considered to farmers support of bank credits access and also European Union funds for modernization of agricultural farms

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How to Cite
Kata, R. (2009). The role of financial institutions in support of transformation of agriculture with a dispersed structure of agricultural farms. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (2(51), 307–318.
Author Biography

Ryszard Kata, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski

Ryszard Kata


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