Meaning of credit in financing purchase of housing real estates in Poland on the example of the PKO BP bank

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Henryk Wyrębek

The real estate is a peculiar legal object. Not only a legal definition of the real estate is attesting to it. All phases of the life of the real estate: the phase of the turnover, the phase of the buildings design of ground, the phase of the realization, the phase of certifying fit for use, the phase of the use, as well as the phase of the liquidation of building objects, are settled legally. Ceiling prices of flats changed the structure of financing the purchase. A number of customers receiving an exclusively bank loan reduced. However to the 79% a percentage of purchasers using credit and own funds rose. This situation continues from the half of 2004 and has his genesis in contemporary freeing sources of financing the purchase, i.e. the low interest and big availability of home loans offered by banks in Poland. In the article meaning of credit was described in financing the purchase of housing real estates in Poland on the example of the PKO bank.

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How to Cite
Wyrębek, H. (2010). Meaning of credit in financing purchase of housing real estates in Poland on the example of the PKO BP bank. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (4(53), 196–203.

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