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Dagmara Stangierska

Keywords : foodservice, servicescape, image
Servicescape can be a tool allowing identification and distinction of a catering facility. Now customers expect from service enterprises catering not only food and beverage with beneficial relation value for money but also additional components which can extend the service and bring it the unique value. Conscious use of marketing tools including servicescape management allows individual catering facility create a positive image. In the following paper was presented the characteristics of restaurant chain servicescape made in basis of participant observation and the results of consumer research about the perception of the servicescape and the image of casual dining restaurant chain. It was noted the relationship between perceived servicescape elements and the image of presented casual dining restaurant chain.

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Stangierska, D. (2013). SERVICESCAPE IN FOOD SERVICE AND IT IMAGE CONSEQUENCES -CASE OF BRAND CASUAL DINING RESTAURANT CHAIN. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (10(59), 662–671.

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