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Marcin Będzieszak

The aim of article is to indicate whether the cities implemented the principle of economic rationality and are there economies of scale in the maintenance of primary and secondary schools. In the first part of the article review the literature has been done. It then provides the methodology and the results of the test. Article is finalized proposals. The economics of scale for educational institutions justifies the consolidation of these entities for financial reasons. Given the decreasing number of students in primary and secondary schools to consolidation of these entities is justified, due to the usually large number of units carrying out educational tasks. The article shows that economies of scale in educational units is justified. In some cases, even allows you to determine the optimal number of students. In the literature a student is considered the primary carrier of costs. The research done in cities in Poland in the period 2003-2010, when the consolidation took place, indicates that there is diseconomy of scale. Both in the case of expenditure on the maintenance of primary and secondary schools, as well as the branches, it is apparent phenomenon of growth in average spending, despite the declining number of educational and school departments. Consolidation does not cause therefore the desired changes in the financing of educational institutions.

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How to Cite
Będzieszak, M. (2014). PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS CONSOLIDATION AND ECONOMY OF SCALE IN CITIES’ BUDGET EXPENDITURE. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (11(60), 19–33.

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