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Marzena Lemanowicz

Keywords : territorial marketing, tourism promotion, place image, place brand, świętokrzyskie voivodeship
The article presents the theoretical aspects related to territorial marketing, focusing especially on the instrument of promotion. Currently the term promotion is a very broad one and in terms of it we have the possibility to take advantage of various tools, both traditional and nonstandard ones. The popularity of the latter results to a large degree from the changes in consumer behaviors caused for example by the development of the Internet, including social media, blogs, etc. The terms of promotion, brand, and image are used today in reference not only to goods and companies, but also locations, meaning regions, cities, voivodeships, or communes. The goal of this article is to present the wide spectrum of promotion activities which have been executed in the Świetokrzyskie Voivodeship, as well as to determine the effects of these actions in quantitative and image-related aspects. Furthermore, the level of recognizability has been researched in terms of promotion campaigns and their relation with the analyzed region. A research taking advantage of an online survey questionnaire has been used in order to execute the above presented goals. The research group consisted of 238 respondents from all over Poland, who have filled out the survey voluntarily. The research results confirm the need for promotional activities in the regions as these actions have an impact on creating the region’s image, increasing the number of tourists visiting a given region, and despite a large “information noise” these actions are remembered by the recipients.

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How to Cite
Lemanowicz, M. (2017). THE ROLE OF PROMOTION IN CREATING THE IMAGE OF A REGION – INSTRUMENTS, TOOLS, TRENDS. THE EXAMPLE OF THE ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKIE VOIVODESHIP. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (18(67), 86–101.

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