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Hanna Sikacz
Przemysław Wołczek

Keywords : ESG factors, RESPECT Index, Thomson Reuters Eikon, ASSET4 ESG,
This study is a summary of the research related to the ESG analysis of companies included in the RESPECT Index. The aim of the article is to make the comparative assessment of information obtained from two databases: ASSET4 ESG and Thomson Reuters Eikon and on the basis of this information make an analysis of the ESG results of companies from the RESPECT Index. The analysis is intended to answer the question whether the companies in the index are really those who fulfill at the highest level the requirements in the area of environment, social and corporate governance. The results of the research presented in this paper show some divergences in ESG results obtained by companies. The ESG results from the ASSET4 ESG database are more favorable for the companies analyzed. It should be emphasized that the qualification of a given company into the index of socially responsible companies should not raise any doubts. Meanwhile, in spite of the differences in the ESG results between the analyzed databases, it turned out that to the X edition of the RESPECT Index have been qualified companies with very low ESG results, which raises objections to the process of selecting companies to the index

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How to Cite
Sikacz, H., & Wołczek, P. (2017). ESG ANALYSIS OF COMPANIES INCLUDED IN THE RESPECT INDEX – SUMMARY OF RESEARCH. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (18(67), 170–180.

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