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Justyna Chmiel

Keywords : banking sector, Central and Eastern European countries
The main purpose of the article was to determine the level of development of the banking sector in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and compare it to the average level of the European Union and the euro area. The analysis covered variables concerning the size of the sector, availability of banking services, as well as economic efficiency and stability of the sector. The synthetic development index of the banking sector calculated on their basis shows that the diversification in the development of the banking sector between the CEE countries is diminishing. In 2008-2016, most of the region's countries have also reduced the distance in the development of the sector in relation to the average in the European Union.

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How to Cite
Kata, R., & Chmiel, J. (2019). THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE BANKING SECTOR IN THE COUNTRIES OF CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE . The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (21(70), 80–93.
Author Biography

Ryszard Kata, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski

Ryszard Kata


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