Financial and social aspects privatization of retirement savings

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Grażyna Ancyparowicz

Keywords : open retirement funds, capital market, employee capital plans, social risks.
Privatization of retirement funds in Poland began in 1999, when the defined benefits system was replaced by a defined contributions system, which led to the gradual cancelation of nearly all entitlements of employees. The partition of retirement contributions between the Open Retirement Fund (OFE) and the state-operated Social Security system (ZUS) has generated an enormous debt of the public sector (on the order of 300 billion PLN) and servicing of this debt has had devastating consequences for the state budget. Due to the pressure of the excessive deficit procedure imposed on Poland by the European Union, a process of phasing out the OFE scheme was initiated in order to improve the financial standing of the Polish general government sector, which has been achieved. However – in consequence – the introduced changes could have led to cancellation of the entire OFE program within several years. This has been prevented by the Program of Capital Building, which strengthens the capital market but carries significant risks of poverty and expropriation of persons who entered the labor market in 1990 or later. Privatization of assets in the OFE system makes the strengthening of the public Social Security system impossible; the financial burden of compulsory participation in the creation of the retirement capital market, imposed on small and medium enterprises, can adversely affect their financial standing and weaken the potential for development of the real economy in Poland.

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How to Cite
Ancyparowicz, G. (2021). Financial and social aspects privatization of retirement savings. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (26(75), 5–21.

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