Politics in the field of the education and professional educating

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Ryszard Jurkowski

International legal documents are appointing the right to education, as one of essential legal rights of the man and the citizen. Using this law should be assured, free from the discrimination and it should enable the effective participation in the free society for everyone. Rights to education should be essential aspects of the realization: an availability, an identical level and a quality are leveling teachings. The right to education should serve the full development of the human personality, in the fullest scope for development of talents and intellectual and physical abilities, in particular for preparing the individual and for her self-preparing to perform the professional role, the job, the function. Such forming the educational system, as well as the system of the labour market is necessary for achieving such a purpose so that achieve the ability to perform the professional role (of the job, the function) could be realized in every lifespan of the individual. The development of the accessibility to the education and contributing to achieving the education by the high-grade and educating professional as well as of the bloom of cultures of member states became tasks of the European Union. The education, and its quality, was recognized as the crucial issue for the harmonious social-economic development of societies and states, for the assurance so that the economy of the European Union became most competitive and dynamic with economy in the world - with the economy based on the knowledge, and the society became the society of the knowledge. Achieving the high of educations was recognised as fundamental purposes of the development of the educational systems of member states this way, so that it can constitute the model for entire world in terms of qualities and the social usefulness, assuring of compatibility of the educational systems, enabling free choice of educating places for citizens, and then of work. They are supposed to offer purposes it: the standardization of teaching professional, the comparability competence for the high-grade, the possibility of developing professional competence by the entire life. These purposes can be realized thanks to union strategies, programs and means, in particular thanks to funds of the European Social Fund. Polish educational system is guaranteeing realizing the right to education according to principles determined on the basis of regulations of the law, what is supposed to provide with the identical availability, the identical level and the identical quality. Educating can be realized in the developed school system, agreed with the standards system of European Union and in organizational units, offering training forms of long life learning. The quality in the Polish education should be assured through the transparency, the comparability and the compatibility of teaching procedures, school curricula, classifications teaching persons and recognizing of competence in the context of the more than domestic area of knowledge. The conclusion is, that research, claiming and documenting qualities in the field of the education should be realized in four areas of the educational activity: the system of managing the educational unit, school curricula, the educational staff (teaching), quality of personal and professional competence get in the system. The system of the assessment was based by the quality of teaching in Poland on two pillars. From them a standard of teaching the quality is first, definite with regulations of the law which is applicable above all in the school system. Of them a standard of teaching the quality is second, determined with Polish Norm System or environmental models, and which is applicable above all in the training system. In my belief, the best quality of the teaching can be guaranteed by complementary applying both pillars of the assessment of the quality in all unit of an educational system.

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How to Cite
Jurkowski, R. (2009). Politics in the field of the education and professional educating. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (2(51), 57–81. https://doi.org/10.22630/PEFIM.2009.2.51.26

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