Resources and production results of individual farms and future plans of their owners
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The aim of the paper is to present part of results of researches gained within the researchproject entitled “Analysis and assessment of rural women situation on labour market” co-financed by the European Social Fund concerning issues connected with resources of production factors and use of external labour on researched individual farms as well as identification of their owners’ plans towards future agricultural production. Researched farms are good examples of the Polish agriculture, especially in the perspective of disadvantageous land structure and low level of yield of marketable agricultural output. What is more, taking up a job outside own farm as the main source of income in the future was stressed by the largest proportion of interviewers.
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How to Cite
Drejerska, N., Pięta, P., & Skierska-Pięta, K. (2009). Resources and production results of individual farms and future plans of their owners. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (2(51), 339–350.
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