Product placement as a tool of marketing communication – the results of consumer research

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Renata Matysik-Pejas
Szymon Szlachta

The paper presents the essence of product placement as a way of marketing communication, which is an alternative form in relation to traditional advertising. The paper presents also the results of consumer research on the visibility of product placement in the media. In view of the difficulties of classification product placement to one of the tools of promotion for the research and analysis assumes that this is the type of advertising. The results indicate that most respondents recognize this form of promotion in the media, and identifies them primarily with food products. Respondents are generally positive for the use of product placement to promote food products. This may encourage potential principals to make wider use of this form of marketing communications to promote products

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How to Cite
Matysik-Pejas, R., & Szlachta, S. (2010). Product placement as a tool of marketing communication – the results of consumer research. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (3(52), 434–443.

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