Time as an aspect of consumer behavior

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Augustyna Burlita

Keywords : time budget management, consumer behavior
Owing to the significant acceleration of human life, which is a result of technological and civilization changes, the time role as an aspect of human functioning has increased. Time has become not only a particularly valuable good, but also the crucial determinant of consumer behavior. As the time budget management skill more frequently determines a possibility of achieving established by an individual occupational and personal goals, and thus satisfaction of specific needs. The purpose of the article is to identify the time role in consumer behavior and the characteristics of the contemporary consumer problems arising from the time budget exemplified by the inhabitants of Szczecin on the basis of conducted desk and primary research. On the basis of the research results analysis, it can be concluded that the majority of consumers, especially those who are educated and achieve high incomes, live under the pressure of time and to a varying extent wrestle with its "lack". The particular problem of managing the time budget is balancing it by setting determined relations between the time allocated for each area of life.

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How to Cite
Burlita, A. (2013). Time as an aspect of consumer behavior . The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (9(58), 76–87. https://doi.org/10.22630/PEFIM.2013.9.58.6

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