A role of Spa & Wellness services for creation of positive consumer experiences: an example of hotel products

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Aleksandra Grobelna
Barbara Marciszewska

Keywords : hospitality, Spa & Wellness, customer’s experiences, service quality
Nowadays Spa & Wellness services became the most dynamic component of hotel offer. Spa products are not only influenced by fashion but they shape stronger market position of hotels on one hand and consumer experience – on the other. The purpose of the article is to show a role of consumer experiences as factor influencing a quality of hotel products. Research problem is focused on looking for answering the question: do the consumer experiences play an important role in improvement of hotel service quality? Research methods: literature analysis and assessment of previously conducted scientific research in the field. The analysis of literature which highlights Spa & Wellness issues leads to the following statements: ? Tourist package which includes Spa & Wellness services plays an important role in both in promotion process of a hotel and creating its positive image; ? Spa & Wellness services stimulate tourist demand for the products and create profits for hotels and tourism region as a whole; ? Potential positive changes in tourism demand could be identified as: longer stays in hotels thanks to Spa & Wellness component in the tourism product, ? Increase of tourists expenditures, ? Lower seasonal influence on a tourist demand. It suggests that tourists could prefer changes in tourist products using Spa & Wellness component; they are keen on both differentiation of the product itself and a higher quality of Spa & Wellness services. Managers have to be aware that innovative approaches to tourist products become an important source of the new functions and, consequently, new experiences. These issues have to be considered in future research in the field of improvement of tourist products. It is important direction for future investigations because Spa & Wellness services are perceived as a mean of tourism product development.

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How to Cite
Grobelna, A., & Marciszewska, B. (2013). A role of Spa & Wellness services for creation of positive consumer experiences: an example of hotel products . The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (9(58), 184–195. https://doi.org/10.22630/PEFIM.2013.9.58.15

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