The Importance of Corporate Blogs in Business-Customer Communication

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Adam Pawlewicz
Piotr Szamrowski

Keywords : blog, technology 2.0, public relations
The main objective of this paper is to present the use of corporate blogs by the surveyed companies. In addition, the study sought to determine the nature of the content appearing on the blog entries, determine the impact of blogs for communication within the organization and identify the benefits of creating the image of the company. Tested blogs are primarily used to communicate with customers (both actual and potential), and a public relations tool for building customer relationships. Analyzed blogs are primarily expert with the content of the blogs linked to the thematic nature of the products offered by the companies. They were seldom used to publish information about the company itself. It has primarily a passionate character and is directed to a relatively small proportion of consumers who are interested in in-depth knowledge of the products and to those enthusiasts who are not familiar with particular brands, but with use of interesting blogs content can be useful for them too.

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How to Cite
Pawlewicz, A., & Szamrowski, P. (2013). The Importance of Corporate Blogs in Business-Customer Communication. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (9(58), 513–525.

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