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Mariola Łaguna
Wiktor Rozmus

Keywords : food products, brand of product, benefits, purchase intention
When buying food products consumers use different criteria, including a brand of the product. The role of brands is not fully recognized yet. The study, therefore, focuses on benefits connected with brands of food products, and aims to examine whether they are related to the appraisal of brand reputation of food products and to purchase intention. Data from the sample of 130 consumers were collected in relation to the sample of four brands of each of five food products being apprised (with high vs. low reputation). The products with high level of brand relevance in category were selected for the study. Research findings show that emotional benefits and benefits related to security differentiate the appraisal of brand reputation of food products and are significant predictors of intention to purchase these products.

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Łaguna, M., & Rozmus, W. (2014). HEINEKEN OR ŻUBR? THE ROLE OF BEYOND PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS IN FOOD PRODUCTS. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (11(60), 195–203. https://doi.org/10.22630/PEFIM.2014.11.60.17

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