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Anna Augustyn
Justyna Anders-Morawska
Marta Hereźniak

Keywords : cultural heritage planning, smart city, city brand
Objective: The purpose of this article is to analyse the changes in the approach to cultural heritage management in the context of city brand building by application of smart city concepts. The evolution of the heritage management paradigms from protection, through conservation to planning, requires the city decision-makers to adopt a proactive approach toward city users in the process of local heritage planning. Application of smart tools to communicate with users, to define cultural assets, or to distribute cultural goods facilitates the process of culture-based city branding.Methods: Treating the paradigm of heritage planning as a normative model of modern cultural policy, the authors analyse secondary data regarding the cultural management activities of selected cities, focusing on the practices that stem from the smart city concept. Selected cites from the UNESCO creative cities network were taken into consideration as those whose brands are based on their cultural heritage. The policies and activities were set in the context of culture-based city branding with smart technologies seen as the vehicles for democratization and participatory character of both: city branding and heritage management. Findings: The paper identifies ‘smart’ methods and instruments, applicable and beneficial for the culture-driven city brand building. The new technologies were recognized as a key instrument of city branding in the area of cultural heritage as those that enable to the greatest extent the realization of the paradigms of citizen participation and coproduction and allow for the integration of smart living and smart people dimensions in the smart city’s cultural policy

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How to Cite
Augustyn, A., Anders-Morawska, J., & Hereźniak, M. (2018). SMART APPROACH TO CULTURAL HERITAGE MANAGEMENT IN THE PROCES OF CITY BRANDING. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (20(69), 20–36.

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