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Kamila Musiał
Wiesław Musiał

Keywords : mimicry, nature, deception, economy
The aim of the study was to find and evaluate the analogy between the universality of the phenomenon of deception in nature and in economy. In both areas of the analysis, this most often takes a form of mimicry (defensive or aggressive). To create such complex forms of deception among animals, mostly contributed the prevalance of predator-victim model, and using guises or pretending to be something else, was supposed to provide protection against attack or just to facilitate such attack. In the economy one can find attitudes that take the form of mimicry, and thus analogous to the nature, which are also based on pretending to be someone else. This is used by some exploiters, reaping on stereotypes and automatisms of human behaviour. They are most often found in the marketing sphere, taking up very professional and sophisticated forms of attitudes of marketers and represented by them entities. Also there may be found some symmetry and analogies of behaviours in terms of gaining individual benefits at the expense of others.

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Musiał, K., & Musiał, W. (2018). MIMICRY AS AN EXAMPLE OF DECEPTION IN NATURE AND EXPRESSIONS OF FRAUD IN ECONOMY . The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (20(69), 136–149. https://doi.org/10.22630/PEFIM.2018.20.69.35

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