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Jan Koleśnik

Keywords : banking system, deposit guarantee scheme, moral hazard
The purpose of this article is to present the social premises for the creation and consequence of the existence of deposit guarantee schemes. According to the author, the existence of deposit guarantee schemes makes them an important factor strengthening the relationship between depositors and banks, but their shape is a derivative of crisis in the banking sector. Comparing the social costs of creating and operating a deposit guarantee scheme with the cost of panic on the banking sector, the direct costs are primarily the contributions paid by banks, which reduce interest rates on deposits and increase the cost of bank credit to the public. The indirect cost is an increase of moral hazard risk and weakened incentives for deepening depositors' knowledge of economics and finance.

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How to Cite
Koleśnik, J. (2019). DETERMINANTS OF THE FUNCTIONING OF DEPOSIT GUARANTEE SCHEMES AND THEIR IMPACT ON DEPOSITORS’ BEHAVIOR. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (21(70), 94–103.

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