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Agieszka Parlińska

Keywords : COVID-19, e-learning, distance learning, remote education
The main objective of the paper is to show the new challenges for education that arose in Poland from 2019-2021, and the use of e-learning methods. This new approach, and the purpose and added value of this study, is to enrich the knowledge of the use of new teaching and research methods gained during the Covid-19 pandemic and applicability to pandemics generally, as well as continued use of these methods afterwards.. To achieve the objective, the method of literature analysis and critique was used, as well as a ratio analysis based on historical data from Statistics Poland (GUS), EUROSTAT and the author’s own first-hand observations as a university educator. The research results helped to formulate several conclusions regarding the factors which influence effective e-learning, such as: internet access and quality; the availability of adequate software, hardware and other tools; and the digital competence of teachers and students. A short SWOT analyse is also presented to highlight key considerations that are crucial for the future of elearning.

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How to Cite
Parlińska, A. (2022). E-LEARNING CHALLENGES IN POLAND DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (27(76), 80–88. https://doi.org/10.22630/PEFIM.2022.27.76.7

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