Contemporary theories of land rent, its origins and application to Common Agricultural Policy in the European Union

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The economic globalisation process makes the economic factors rotate faster. As a result transaction costs of global system functioning increase and a coordination mechanism is needed - especially in agro-food sectors. There exists a crucial question whether a land factor is still capable to generate economic rents which would be the determinants of comparative advantages? On one hand, D. Ricardo’s land rents are vanishing, H. George’s rents are provoking financial crisis, monetarists assumptions are becoming unsufficient, on the other, the land factor gains new environmental applications and there is still a hope that land rents have its origins in a real value. This paper aims at presenting the evolution of the land rents theory starting from classical economics. One makes an attempt to find the most adequate conception of land rent creation at present day, searching for new sources of comparative advantages in the institutional factors. One argues that the institutional rent is the only durable economic rent in the European agricultural sector regarding chosen direction of CAP evolution.

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Czyżewski, B. (2009). Contemporary theories of land rent, its origins and application to Common Agricultural Policy in the European Union. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (2(51), 39–55.

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