Marketing in non-profit organization of public sector Case: National Park Yellowstone

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Janusz Sarnowski

The aim of this study is an attempt to define the importance of marketing in activities of non-profit organizations. The first, theoretical parts, presents an essence and some specific features of non- profit organizations that bring about the usage of marketing in their management. The aim of marketing activity is to support the affecitivity of serves provided by them to the citizens. The Author defines a marketing value of their actions as an amount of advantages provided to the customers, contractors, partners and other members of the society due to activities of each non-profit organization. The second, empirical part, analyses the usage of marketing in the activities of National Park Yellowstone in the United States. According to the following analysis, Yellowstone Park can be considered as a good example of multifunctional tourist offer, prepared to satisfy the needs of diverse groups, known for a variety of sociological, demographical, economical and behavioral features. The management of the Park tends to use many elements of marketing-mix and concentrate themselves on social marketing provide them with much help whole realizing their statutory aims. As sources of information, the author used professional literature and his own observations made while visiting Yellowstone National Park

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How to Cite
Sarnowski, J. (2010). Marketing in non-profit organization of public sector Case: National Park Yellowstone. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (3(52), 386–398.

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