Media power as the fifth element of marketing - mix on the media market

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Jan Kreft

A medium that is at the same time present on the advertising market and media receivers market and has significant abilities to influence public opinion may count on economical success in the form of advertising income. This income may be higher than, in case of press, the level of readership and the level of individual copy sales would indicate. These two parameters are specifically taken into consideration by media agencies and media houses when choosing media for advertising campaigns. This realised and perceived opportunity for media to exert a specific social, economical and political influence may be described as media power. This definition may be successfully introduced into the promotion indegredients catalogue.

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How to Cite
Kreft, J. (2010). Media power as the fifth element of marketing - mix on the media market. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (3(52), 288–298.

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