Implementation of management control system in units of the Police

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Małgorzata Borowik
Tadeusz Waściński

In accordance with the amended act of public finance, a police commanders should implement in the police headquarters, principles of the management control. Adequate and effective tools of management control should enable to take advantage of initial and current control (called in Latin “ex ante”) instead of traditional and final control (“ex post” in Latin). The management control should help to determine objectives and tasks and finally help to check if they are realizing according to the plan. The reform of public finance in Poland demanded create long-term plans, achieve aims too and preparing plans with using budget of tasks. One of the condition of effective management in organization is creating plan and task reports and watching how they are achieving. The management control in organization concerns all aspects of their activities, not only in finance. The management control is one of the toll it should help police commanders to make a decision in effective spending of public funds.

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How to Cite
Borowik, M., & Waściński, T. (2010). Implementation of management control system in units of the Police. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (4(53), 119–131.

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