Consumer interest of a bank interest in contracts for the purchase of credit car

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Ryszard Jurkowski

The article presents the principle of making the parties interests in contracts a loan for the purchase of a car, entered into between banks and consumers. Presented is the concept of credit agreement and the agreement of consumer credit. Presents the form, scope and documentation of the credit agreement. It has been shown that the content of the credit agreement are shaped primarily in the rules of credit agreements. The article presents the concept of consumer and demonstrated its legal position, as part of consumer credit agreements. Comparative analysis of the original contract specified content standards or rules of credit contracts concluded with consumers to finance the purchase of passenger cars, with particular attention to the clauses relating to security for repayment of loan. Comparative analysis was made on the basis of documents and responses received through direct or electronic contacts with the banks that offered credit to consumers for the purchase of a car during the period March - April 2010, Banks presents a potential clients request for a loan to buy a car, with characteristics as presented in the article

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How to Cite
Jurkowski, R. (2010). Consumer interest of a bank interest in contracts for the purchase of credit car. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (4(53), 227–237.

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