The Old and the New in Common Agricultural Policy 2014-2020 – Attempt to Assess in Terms of the Interest of Polish Agriculture

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Andrzej Czyżewski
Sebastian Stępień

Negotiations on the shape of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2013 are entering a decisive phase. The Danish Presidency, finished in June, summarized the previous consultations. The outcome is a report on the CAP in the new programming period, which refers to the changes presented by the European Commission and that shows the areas of convergence and divergence between EU countries on specific solutions. The purpose of this paper is to assess the proposals contained in the draft of CAP reform in the context of the interests of the agricultural sector in Poland. There are three most important, according to the authors, areas: direct payments, market intervention and Rural Policy. Detailed analysis of the European Commission’s document and the report shows that a large part of the arrangements is beneficial for Polish agriculture, but there are also those that may have a negative effect.

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How to Cite
Czyżewski, A., & Stępień, S. (2012). The Old and the New in Common Agricultural Policy 2014-2020 – Attempt to Assess in Terms of the Interest of Polish Agriculture. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (8(57), 116–129.


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