Changes in Sugar Beet Production in the Province of Lublin in 2002-2011

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Arkadiusz Artyszak

The paper presents the CSO data changes in sugar beet production in the province Lublin in 2002-2001. It was found that the surface of the growing period was reduced by 32.2%, the average yield increase of 25.9% and the harvest decreased by 14.6%. In 2010 compared to 2002, only three districts in the area of cultivation was higher, and in the other less about 7-53%. Separated the top 10 in terms of the scale of production of sugar beet communes. In 2002, they were grown almost 12.5 thousand ha of sugar beet, which is 27.0% of the total area of the province Lublin. In 2010, the acreage in these communes declined by a total of 1.5 thousand. ha, but increased to 32.1% share of the entire area in the region. Most reduced sugar beet acreage in the communes Telatyn (by 31.3%), Ulhówek (by 29.9%) and Miączyn (by 27.8%). However, as much as 17.3% increase in commune Werbkowice. The main influence was the presence of sugar factory Werbkowice.

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How to Cite
Artyszak, A. (2012). Changes in Sugar Beet Production in the Province of Lublin in 2002-2011. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (8(57), 26–35.

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