Common Agricultural Policy and the development of small farms

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Marta Czekaj
Janusz Żmija

Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) were developing last 50 years. The main purposes of CAP were: assurance food safety, sustainably development on rural areas, protection of natural environment, assurance welfare for animals and improving the quality of agricultural products. The paper aims to characterize the main directions of changes in CAP. The analysis focus on small farms, which represent a significant percentage of farms in Poland. Article was prepared based on data from Central Statistical Office (years 2004-2011) and data from publications concern problem of small farms. The main objectives of the future CAP should be: * support the production of healthy and safe food; * sustainable management of natural resources, especially preservation of the landscape and the diversity of rural areas, reducing the harmful effects of agriculture on the environment; * support the sustainable territorial development through a variety of agricultural systems and the positive interaction between agriculture and other sectors of the rural economy.

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How to Cite
Czekaj, M., & Żmija, J. (2012). Common Agricultural Policy and the development of small farms. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (8(57), 518–527.

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