The influence of instruments of the foreign trade on the trade exchange with meat products in the period of integrating Poland with the European Union

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Mirosława Tereszczuk

The integration of Poland with the European Union had a positive influence on the trade exchange with meat products. Mutual, full opening EU markets became strong impulse of the development of the meat sector in Poland and contributed to the significant improvement in results of the foreign trade with meat products. In the end, already in first years of our membership in the EU, the Common European Market became an important market and field of supply for meat products coming from Poland. In the following years upturn, both in the export and in the import was continued. In the period of eight years of our membership in the EU the value of export of meat products rose almost five times from 0.64 mln euro in 2003 up to 3.02 billion euro in 2011 However the import grew up as far as twelve times from 0.13 mln euro up to 1.57 billion euro, mainly as a result of the dynamically rising purchasing of the pork. To the improvement in commercial results with meat products, apart from the liquidation of the customs in the trade inside the EU, the foreign trade instruments resulting from the Common Commercial Policy (CCP) had also influence on the area of the agriculture. Export of some meat products to third countries became provided with subsidizing, and in final years also supporting the promotion programs. Import from third countries limited a high customs duties which effectively are protecting the EU market from the inflow of meat competitive products. Moreover they are applicable in a meat trade equal for all members the EU veterinary and sanitary rules. A reply to the questions put forward is a purpose of research: In what degree did instruments of the foreign trade bear on the improvement in results of the trade exchange in with the meat and meat products in Poland after integration with the EU?

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How to Cite
Tereszczuk, M. (2012). The influence of instruments of the foreign trade on the trade exchange with meat products in the period of integrating Poland with the European Union. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (8(57), 462–470.

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