Common Agricultural Policy in the face of challenges of agriculture on Lower Silesia

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Tomasz Berbeka
Barbara Kutkowska

In the study the share of financial assets absorption intended for agricultural farms of Lower - Silesian agriculture was introduced. The test of province place qualification in country scale were also executed. For Lower Silesian agriculture the largest meaning had such instruments as: direct payments and support for less favoured areas, agri-environmental programmes and structural pensions. After the year 2007 also the support instruments for agricultural producers groups, modernization of agricultural farms and action for improvement of agricultural and forest infrastructure. The present shape of the financial support steered for agricultural farms strengthens in the region first of all larger scale farms with plant production profile. The instruments of Common Agricultural Policy did not contribute to expected development of the animal production in the Provence and was not also successful to create the suitable processing base in agri-food sector. Actions from the range of structural pensions and single bonus for young farmers positively influenced for agrarian transformations of Lower -Silesian agriculture, however from the other hand the direct payments favouring the owners of agricultural properties slow down this processes. The essential challenge remains the support for family farms in the range of land turnover from State land resources. The chance for Lower -Silesian agriculture, and in the peculiarity of its diversification are proposed changes in Common Agricultural Policy after the year 2013 - which probably will influence on diversification of tillages, be more profitable for smaller farms but the „greening” and modulation in the connection with „capping” for larger farms will cause the changes in production on environmental more friendly and fulfilling the realization of sustainable development. The direct payments will stay the most essential form of support in frames of new system.

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How to Cite
Berbeka, T., & Kutkowska, B. (2012). Common Agricultural Policy in the face of challenges of agriculture on Lower Silesia. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (8(57), 266–278.

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