The influence of Common Agricultural Policy on agricultural incomes effects in the new member countries of the European Union

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Agnieszka Baer-Nawrocka

Keywords : agricultural income, determinants of agricultural income, agriculture in the EU
The objective of the article was to assess the impact of integration on the level of agricultural income in the new member countries of the European Union. The analysis was held on the basis of Economic Accounts for Agriculture. The selected determinants of agricultural income such as the real value of agricultural output, intermediate consumption and the level of subsidy were analyzed in the paper. The analysis proved that the accession to the EU had a positive impact on agricultural incomes in the majority of EU-12 countries. Positive influence was especially visible in Polish agriculture, where the dynamics of changes of income indices were the highest. The deterioration of income indexes was seen in the Czech Republic and the countries, which the latest accessed the EU. Moreover, it can be noticed that the disparities in terms of agricultural incomes per AWU and farm have been slowly diminishing among EU-12 and EU-15 countries. It results from the income increase and the changes in agricultural structures of EU-12. The analysis showed that the direct payments were the main factor determining agricultural income increase. Moreover, Polish agriculture was leading in the effectiveness of direct payments use.

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How to Cite
Baer-Nawrocka, A. (2013). The influence of Common Agricultural Policy on agricultural incomes effects in the new member countries of the European Union. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (9(58), 34–44.
Author Biography

Agnieszka Baer-Nawrocka, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu

Habilitated doctor in the field of social sciences in the discipline of economics and finance, professor at UPP. Author and co-author of over 80 publications and a number of expert opinions prepared for the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, FDPA, FAPA, WODR and projects concerning European integration, the economic situation of the agri-food sector in Poland and other EU countries, the impact of agricultural policy on the functioning of the agricultural market, the food situation in Europe and the world and the economics of consumption. Manager or executor of numerous research and development projects, and for her scientific and organizational activities she has been awarded several times by the Rector of UPP. She completed short-term internships and training in foreign research centers, including in Germany and Austria.


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