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Ewa Bak-Filipek

Keywords : functioning, conditions, beef market, meat market
This paper discusses the determinants of the meat market in Poland and shown on the background of the meat market functioning of the beef market. Beef market in recent years, the market is slowly becoming marginalized in the internal market, inter alia, because of the decreasing importance of beef consumption in the entire balance of the meat in Poland. Increasingly important to the poultry market, on both the supply and demand. The study also highlights the fact that agricultural markets, especially the meat market, are susceptible to fluctuations in the domestic and international markets. Therefore, the important role played by government policy to individual markets. On the market for both red meat and poultry, the Polish state by the Agricultural Market Agency takes action intervention Their goal is to support the market and the stabilization of the situation on the market. The source material for the study were published CSO data in a variety of statistical studies, including in the annals of the industry of agriculture and the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics - National Research Institute published in the form of reports market (the market of meat and poultry market). Used momentum indicators and statistical averages, as well as a descriptive analysis of the data elements.

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How to Cite
Bak-Filipek, E. (2014). CHANGES IN THE MEAT MARKET IN POLAND. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (12(61), 7–16.

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