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Adam Andrzejuk

Keywords : information goods, mergers, acquisitions, industry concentration, rate of return
This paper investigates through a case study, the acquisition of TVN SA company by Scripps Networks Interactive Inc. The material presented discusses the impact of the acquisition on profits of investors who held shares of the company in different periods of time. Since both companies represent the sector of information economy, the article starts with the definition of information goods, and the main characteristics of the industry. Information goods are often characterized by short product life cycle. For this reason, companies operating in this sector often face the dilemma of make/buy decision for a product. Due to the nature of information goods and the role that sunk costs play in the development of such goods, organic growth in the information goods sector, especially in new geographic location entails a high risk of failure. On the other hand, the acquisition of a company with a finished product often involves paying a premium. The aim of the article was to examine how a call for take-over in the information goods industry impacts the profits of investors holding shares in different periods of time, and what premium for the acquisition has to be paid by the acquiring company.

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How to Cite
Andrzejuk, A. (2016). RATE OF RETURN FROM CAPITAL MARKETS IN THE CONTEXT OF MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS – CASE STUDY. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (15(64), 5–17. https://doi.org/10.22630/PEFIM.2016.15.64.1

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