Comparison of selected aspects of promotional activities conducted by rural, urban-rural and urban communities

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Zdzisław Kochanowicz
Piotr Bórawski
Justyna Czaplicka

Keywords : community, promotion, commune promotional instruments
The aim of the study was to recognize and compare selected aspects of promotion activities conducted by urban-rural, urban communities, and rural communities. Within the framework of the main objective the following specific objectives were fulfilled: recognition of promotional measures applied by the examined communities, recognition of the forms of cooperation between communities, assessment of the importance of factors determining the tourist attractiveness of the community in the opinion of the respondents, and evaluation of the importance of barriers in the development of tourism in the studied municipality. The research group was comprised of 81 municipalities from seven Polish voivodeships. The diagnostic applied was a method using a survey technique according to a standardized questionnaire. The survey questionnaire was filled by responsible persons within the municipality, for undertaking promotional activities. It has been found that there are differences in the type of instruments used, and the extent to which individual activities are used, between promotional activities carried out by urban-rural, urban communities, and rural communities. In addition, research indicates that rural communities are less likely than urban / rural municipalities to offer cooperation with other entities. The analysis of respondents' responses also showed the importance of the supporting factors in the attractiveness of tourism and the barriers that may hinder the development of tourism in municipalities. The level of identification and promotion of a tourist product at the local level is an interesting area for further research.

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How to Cite
Kochanowicz, Z., Bórawski, P., & Czaplicka, J. (2017). Comparison of selected aspects of promotional activities conducted by rural, urban-rural and urban communities. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (17(66), 83–95.

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