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Justyna Franc - Dąbrowska
Małgorzata Porada - Rochoń
Beata Świecka

Keywords : insolvency households, enterprises
The aim of the research was to collect research on insolvency of enterprises and households based on national and international literature. It was found that households and enterprises combine vulnerability to the phenomenon of insolvency. Although they differ from each other in the sense of subjectivity, they function in the same environment. Households are very diverse, fragmented and there are many more than enterprises. In both cases, insolvency is determined by many variables, and is not just a function of income. In addition, insolvency is a gradual phenomenon, does not appear immediately and suddenly, therefore, the development of research and refinement of the methodology allows the prediction of this phenomenon and identification of signaling factors about the emerging danger. Among the insolvency determinants common for enterprises and households, the problem of timely payment of liabilities should be included. This is the result of other financial problems of these entities, especially the level and structure of debt, which is not always matched to the payment options of the entrepreneur or the average person. The problem of over-indebtedness and its poor structure currently seems to be a global problem, in particular for highly developed countries characterized by a high level of welfare of residents and entrepreneurs.

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How to Cite
Franc - Dąbrowska, J., Porada - Rochoń, M., & Świecka, B. (2018). INSOLVENCY OF ENTERPRISES AND HOUSEHOLDS - COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (19(68), 19–31.

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