The influence of private-public partnership in the development of rural areas and absorption of European Union funds

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Małgorzata Błażejowska

Private-Public Partnership (PPP) that is provision of public service benefits by private entities is a legitimized form of cooperation between private enterprise supported by private funds from the public sector at all levels. This mean of infrastructure development and provision of public service economic benefits is an advanced form of investing in the public sector in most countries in the world but non in the Poland. The aim of this masters thesis is to study cooperation between public and private entities and to analyze the influence of partnership on the absorption of EU funds in the region of Koszalin by testing projects implemented within the framework of PPP. PPP may significantly contribute to improve the quality of provision of services, increase expenditure on crucial investments and also may contribute to effectiveness when it comes to making the most of the EU funds, nevertheless, as researches show, it does not function practically in our region what means that its influence on absorption of EU funds is none

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How to Cite
Błażejowska, M. (2009). The influence of private-public partnership in the development of rural areas and absorption of European Union funds. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (2(51), 249–256.

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