Evaluation of procedures in applying for investment structural funds of the European Union in agriculture

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The main aim of the article was to indicate the difficulties and barriers in applying for agricultural structural funds. In the conducted survey, farmers were asked to assess the difficulties, costs, time-consuming and how essential are the components of the application form. For farmers the easiest was to fill out the parts of the application form based on the data collected in the farm (farm income, value of sold production). The results showed that calculation of the investment was difficult and time-consuming. Nevertheless, farmers judge it necessary element in the application form, understanding the criteria of assessment and further account for investment.

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How to Cite
Czubak, W. (2009). Evaluation of procedures in applying for investment structural funds of the European Union in agriculture. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (2(51), 319–329. https://doi.org/10.22630/PEFIM.2009.2.51.45

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