The use of franchise concept in Poland in years 1989-2008

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Alicja Antonowicz

The article presents franchising as one of the modern marketing strategies, which enables entrepreneurs not only to distribution of products and services, but mainly provides a noncapital market development. The author indicates that there are various ways to understand franchise concept, which results in number of different definitions in both Polish and foreign economic literature. Moreover, the author explains “franchise fever” term and presents the scale of this phenomenon in the world, pointing out the continents and countries which use the franchise formula to the highest extent. The major part of the article presents Polish franchise market, from the beginning till nowadays. The author explores economic changes in 20-year presence of franchising, shows perspectives and directions of franchising development in Poland.

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How to Cite
Antonowicz, A. (2010). The use of franchise concept in Poland in years 1989-2008. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (3(52), 207–218.

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