Marketing problems of commercial farmers in the Free State Province (Republic of South Africa) and their solution proposal

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Paweł Mielnicki

In the article there were suggested sources of literature referring to theoretical aspects of agricultural products’ marketing and providing a historical background and showing complexity of land reform issue being run in Republic of South Africa until these days. Moreover, the outcomes of conducted empirical research on commercial farmers’ (operating in the Free State Province) marketing problems, which enabled the identification of key marketing constraints and confirmed significance of the problem, were presented and discussed. Finally, the article gives a number of practical recommendations on how to support commercial farmers in facing key constraints in marketing their products bothering them on a daily basis.

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How to Cite
Mielnicki, P. (2010). Marketing problems of commercial farmers in the Free State Province (Republic of South Africa) and their solution proposal. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (3(52), 178–196.

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