Agritourism vs tourism -with special focus on the relation to rural areas on the example of the Podlaskie Voivodeship

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Kazimierz Niewiadomski

This study presents the evaluation of agritourism and conventional tourism with special focus on the relation to rural areas. The research has proved that those two types of tourism compete with each other mainly for valuable natural areas. Also, each of the analysed types of tourism has its own group of specific factors. Forestation rate of a given spatial unit and the level of income of the population are the factors showing close relationship to the conventional tourism only. In case of agritourism the factors are: less dense population, worse natural and soil conditions for agriculture, smaller agricultural farms and lesser degree of intensity of farming in agriculture. Considerable number of the analysed factors is statistically insignificant and shows loose relationships to the analysed types of tourism

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How to Cite
Niewiadomski, K. (2010). Agritourism vs tourism -with special focus on the relation to rural areas on the example of the Podlaskie Voivodeship. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (3(52), 456–467.

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