Subjects of the spa [health resort] tourism sector and the marketing strategy of Poland in the tourism sector – a problem or a contribution to problem solving

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Joanna Sienkiewicz

The paper is dedicated to analysis of the marketing strategy of Poland to 2015 with regard to the spa [health resort] tourism sector. The starting point for comparisons of the Centre’s plans aims was the standpoint of the European Union in the field of new tourism policy, postulates of the environment connected with spa health care health resort services and the regional strategy of tourism development in the Western Pomeranian province. When basing on marketing strategy concepts, a dichotomy was showed between the centre’s evaluation of perspectives for health tourism development in Poland and pursuits aims of enterprises and their environs, i.e. regions, which is expressed by the fact that the marketing strategy of health tourism being evaluated by the authors as the one not having perspectives for development is considered by regions as a strategic and brand name product having chances for a stabile development. Deliberations were particularised by showing, on the example of the Uzdrowisko Kołobrzeg S.A. (Kołobrzeg Spa [Health Resort] PLC), instruments of the marketing influence impact on a current and potential customer which aim at the sales of new products and diversification of receipts income , i.e. endeavours after gaining a commercial customer.

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How to Cite
Sienkiewicz, J. (2010). Subjects of the spa [health resort] tourism sector and the marketing strategy of Poland in the tourism sector – a problem or a contribution to problem solving. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (3(52), 329–340.

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