Outsourcing as the method of company management

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Karolina Kalinowska

Presented reflections on the topic of outsourcing include the theoretical aspects of the nature and possible use among enterprises in Poland and abroad. Increasingly motive to cooperate outsourcing is not just cost reduction - as it was in the original sense of outsourcing - but it becomes a strategic choice of how the company focuses on its core business. Data relates to outsourcing, which in recent years has become popular and are increasingly used by businesses. Analysis of outsourcing among Polish companies helped to identify the main and most secreted tasks and business processes in order to forward their implementation selected company (or several firms). Almost 3/4 of Polish enterprises declare the use of outsourcing services, predicting produce positive light for the further development of such services in Poland. Characteristics include both the Polish market for outsourcing services and development outsourcing in the world. It lists the most common types of partial, businesses often use the services of outsourcing companies, and features of the different types of outsourcing in terms of industry and organization specific business outsourcing companies. Particularly important aspect is moved using outsourcing solutions in the era of global crisis - whether outsourcing has a chance to survive tough times. Activity outsourcing companies (entrepreneurs) have clearly defined the effects of economic and social, as in the times of world crisis is not without significance. Analysis of the outsourcing market in Poland demonstrates the positive aspects of partial, represents a dynamic development and the pervasive trend of popularizing the increasingly outsourcing services.

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How to Cite
Kalinowska, K. (2010). Outsourcing as the method of company management. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (3(52), 253–264. https://doi.org/10.22630/PEFIM.2010.3.52.22

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