Polski rynek otwartych funduszy inwestycyjnych na tle rynku europejskiego
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The Polish market of the mutual funds in comparison with the European market. The mutual funds (FIO) have a huge influence on the level of the capital market development. That is why the authors tried to compare the FIO market in Poland to the markets in other European countries, especially taking into consideration the countries of old Eastern bloc. The funds from different classes of risk were analyzed and the changes in the amount of funds and in the size of assets were compared. The results show that the Polish mutual funds have small participation in the European market but at the same time they stand out when we compare them to the mutual funds of the old socialist countries.
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How to Cite
Karpio, A., & Żebrowska-Suchodolska, D. (2010). Polski rynek otwartych funduszy inwestycyjnych na tle rynku europejskiego. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (4(53), 322–331. https://doi.org/10.22630/PEFIM.2010.4.53.69
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