Diversification of the risk and reducing Open Pension Funds in the investment policy

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Elżbieta Ociepa-Kicińska

The reform of the pension scheme in 1999 in Poland was to increase the security of funds deposited for the payment of retirement benefits. As a result, subject to two mandatory pillars of the pension system. 1st managed by the Social Insurance Institution, 2nd managed by the Universal Pension Fund Society in the form of Open Pension Funds. Due to the fact that funds collected in the second pillar are managed by private institutions, introduces a number of regulations that were designed to provide maximum protection of collected therein. The market situation shows that these regulations diversifying risk, while a negative impact on competition in the This study is aimed at moving this subject matter closer.

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How to Cite
Ociepa-Kicińska, E. (2010). Diversification of the risk and reducing Open Pension Funds in the investment policy. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (4(53), 332–340. https://doi.org/10.22630/PEFIM.2010.4.53.70

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